Catalog Number
One Hundred And Fifty More201717.09::DGT:80150 YearsCustom SoftwareWebsite
Untitled (White)201717.07::TEX:27Dimensions VariableDisassembled American flags produced by those incarcerated in the state of OhioTextile
Portrait of the Directors of The GEO Group, Inc. (After Francis Galton)201717.06::PH:6320" x 27"Archival pigment printPhotography
Portrait of the Directors of Corrections Corporation of America (After Francis Galton)201717.05::PH:2520" x 27"Archival pigment printPhotography
Portrait of the Directors of MTC Management and Training Corporation (After Francis Galton)201717.04::PH:8020" x 27"Archival pigment printPhotography
What To The Prisoner Is The Fourth Of July?201717.03::TEX:1572" x 96"Disassembled American flags produced by those incarcerated in the state of OhioTextile
This Was Produced With Forced Labor201717.08::PRT:6818" x 24"Offset Prints Produced by those incaerated at Pickaway Correctional InstitutionPrint
You May Choose201717.01::PRT:1118" x 24"Offset Prints Produced by those incaerated at Pickaway Correctional InstitutionPrint
Silhouette Of Factory201717.10::PRT:2718" x 24"Offset Prints Produced by those incaerated at Pickaway Correctional InstitutionPrint